大阪生まれ。レゲエシンガー。幼少の頃から両親の影響でフォークやレゲエを聴いて育ち、ギターを弾き始める。中学からはバンドを始め、10代後半にはサーフィンと出会い、音楽と波に誘われて国内外を旅する生活に。2016年移住先の宮崎でレゲエバンドBlazing fahyahを結成。地元のラジオ局に出演するなどリスナーから熱い支持を得る。
2019年生まれ育った箕面の街に戻り、バンド猿山ロッカーズと、ソロでの活動を始める。2023年秋同じく箕面をベースに世界に向けて音楽を発信するJaco’s Hat Records よりシングル「波の唄」をリリース。
Born in Osaka, Kenta Miyagi is a singer songwriter whose musical journey was shaped by the influences of folk and reggae, instilled in him by his parents from a young age. He picked up the guitar early on and formed a band in junior high school. In his late teens, he discovered the world of surfing, leading to a life of traveling both domestically and internationally, drawn by the allure of music and waves.
In 2016, Kenta Miyagi relocated to Miyazaki and founded the reggae band “Blazing Fahyah,” gaining fervent support from listeners and even making appearances on local radio stations. In 2019, he returned to the city of Minoh/Osaka, where he was born and raised, and embarked on both solo and the band “Saruyama Rockers.”
In the autumn of 2023, Kenta Miyagi released the single “wave song” under the label “Jaco’s Hat Records,” based in Minoh/Osaka, as he continues to share his music with the world.